
應用層級分析法於禪風意象因素探討之研究-以木桌椅設計為例=A Research on Application of AHP Method on Image and Factor of Zen Style - With the Design of Wooden Table and Bench
作者 徐嘉駿 (撰)=Syu, Jia-jyun (compose)
出版者網址 https://www.nkust.edu.tw/
出版地高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞禪風設計=Zen Design; 禪風意象語彙=The Imagistic Idioms in the Zen Style; 意象轉化=Image Transformation; 造形三要素=Three Essential Factors in the Zen Form; 層級分析=AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)

In recent years, Zen aesthetics has often been used in architectural design and interior design. Especially in Japan, Zen Aesthetics has become a fashion style and trend in the house. In order to cope with such fashion trend and make life products harmoniously integrated with the indoor space/environment, the Zen Style have become a major focus in the design of lifestyle products.
This study looks at the image of "Zen" through qualitative and quantitative methods and through different thinkings such as perceptual thinking and rational thinking. This study attempts to find out design approaches for the Zen Style and set an exact guideline. In terms of qualitative research, this study analyzes and obtains the core spirit of "Zen" and the directions in questionnaire design through in-depth interviews with experts. In terms of quantitative research, this study uses the method of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to find the weighted relations between the six major adjectives (including: simple (down-to-earth), elegant (dignified), brief (concise), natural (harmonious), calm (quiet) and soft (pliable)), and the weighted relations between the three Essential Factors in the Zen Form (including the forms, materials and colors). Then, legend elements such as "materials and colors" that have been categorized are used as the reference for design ideas. This study integrates interview conclusions and statistical results to summarize the design priorities of the Zen Style and the design guidelines for this research, so as to conceive product design ideas. This study puts the products through the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) for final selection. During the selection process, the best solution will be selected and the prototype of the product will made as well. Product prototypes will be evaluated by experts to validate the design results of this study.
The conclusions of this study mainly include 7 major points:
(1) The Essence of Zen.
(2) The design implications in the Zen Style.
(3) The imagistic idioms in the Zen Style.
(4) Evaluation of the importances of the imagistic idioms in the Zen Style.
(5) Evaluation of the importances of the three Essential Factors in the Zen Form.
(6) Correspondence between imagistic idioms in the Zen Style and three Essential Factors in the Zen Form.
(7) Product design in the Zen Style, and discussion and summary based on the three aspects of "quality, quantity and design."
In terms of qualitative analysis, this study will explore "the essence of Zen, the design implications in Zen Style, and the imagistic idioms in the Zen Style." In terms of quantitative analysis, this study will conduct the "Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Statistical Analysis on the legend elements." This study will cross-analyze the two aspects of "quality" and "quantity." Based on the above research results, this study will finally carry out practical verification based on the design of the wooden table and chair, and reach the conclusion on "design" as the third aspect of this study. Therefore, the three major aspects of "quality, quantity and design" are the core focuses of this study to explore "the design in the Zen Style."
目次摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究範圍與限制 3
1.5 研究架構與流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 禪文化之相關探討 8
2.1.1 禪之定義與解釋 8
2.1.2 禪宗之起源和發展 8
2.1.3 禪宗之四大要義 9
2.1.4 禪宗之中心思想和延伸 10
2.1.4 禪意的美學應用 13
2.1.5 禪風藝術文化的特徵 18
2.2 意象與造型認知心理 22
2.2.1 記憶與意識間的探討 22
2.2.2 意象的探討 26
2.2.3 造形的定義 27
2.2.4 造形的認知 27
2.3 禪風的設計應用案例 29
第三章 研究方法與流程 32
3.1 研究方法介紹 33
3.1.1 專家訪談法 33
3.1.2 KJ法(Kawakita Jiro Method) 33
3.1.3 層級分析法 34 AHP發展的目的與假設 34 AHP假設條件 35 AHP之應用 35 AHP進行步驟 36
3.2 研究流程與架構 40
3.3 理論研究 42
3.3.1 文獻收集 (理論研究A) 42
3.3.2 質性訪談 (理論研究B) 42
3.4 AHP層級分析研究 44
3.4.1 意象語彙重要性分析 44
3.4.2 材質色彩列舉與分類 46
3.4.3 「形態、材質、色彩」重要性分析 50
3.4.4 設計方針挑選與擬定 50
3.4.5 草圖選定 50
3.4.6 電腦輔助3D設計 50
3.4.7 AHP第二階段評比 51
3.4.8 AHP第三階段總評比 51
3.5 產品原型製作 51
3.6 專家評核與建議 51
第四章、研究執行與成果分析 52
4.1 專家訪談 52
4.1.1 專家訪談內容(1) 53
4.1.2 專家訪談內容(2) 54
4.2 AHP第一階段問卷結果分析 55
4.2.1 問卷填寫概況 55
4.2.2 AHP第一階段意象語彙重要性分析 56
4.2.3 AHP第一階段形色質重要性分析 59
4.3 元素於各意象語彙的分類 62
4.3.1 各意象語彙與材質色彩的關係分析 PartA 62
4.3.2 各意象語彙與材質色彩的關係分析 Part B 80
4.3.3 意象語彙與「材質色彩」相對應關係Part A、Part B綜合探討 105
4.4 設計構想方案 115
4.5 草圖繪製 116
4.6 AHP第二階段問卷結果分析 118
第五章 產品設計與驗證 120
5.1 電腦輔助3D設計 120
5.2 產品原型製作 121
5.3 專家評核 122
第六章 研究結論 128
6.1 研究成果與討論 128
6.1.1 質性分析結果 129
6.1.2 量化分析結果 130
6.1.3 木桌椅設計應用之結果 132
6.2 研究不足與缺失 133
6.3 後續研究方向與建議 134
參考文獻 135
附錄一、訪談綱要 137
附錄二、第一階段問卷 138
附錄三、第二階段問卷 147
附件四、AHP第一階段統計 152
附錄五、專家訪談逐字稿 187
附錄六、訪談同意書 192

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