
Conduct and Duties of The Buddha and Jesus Christ: A Comparative Study of Mahāparinibbāna Sutra and The Luke Gospel
作者 Phrakru Bawornsikkhakarn (著)
出版者Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
出版者網址 http://www.mcu.ac.th/En/index.php
出版地Bangkok, Thailand [曼谷, 泰國]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
校院名稱Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
指導教授Ven. Phramaha Somjin Sammapanno
摘要The purpose of this thesis is to compare and contrast the career of the Buddha with that of Jesus Christ according to the Mahāparinibbāna Sutta (Sutra) and the Gospel of Luke respectively.

In the research, it was found that the careers of the Buddha and of Jesus were different in that the Buddha was an atheist master and Jesus was a theist master. The Buddha's career followed principles founded in the wisdom of enlightenment. The career of Jesus was based on the authority derived from the descent of the Holy Spirit of God making him the Son. Nevertheless their ultimate goals and methods were similar in that both aimed at the peace and happiness of humanity.

In pursuing these goals, both the Buddha and Jesus, in their teachings, gave important roles to propagation, governance, and rules of behavior as a pathway for followers in the conduct of their daily lives.

As for propagation, it was found that both the Buddha and Jesus gave the highest priority to teaching, and persevered, exerting themselves in the face of hardship to the end of their lives. Although the Buddha lived to an advanced age, as s master he continued to teach Dhamma and practice to the last day of his life. Jesus did no less. He proclaimed Good News of salvation, emphasizing love and kindness especially toward the poor the sick and diseased, and sinners, to the end of his life.

As for governance, it was found that the Buddha established a system of practice for Buddhist. He established a path of governance for monks to hold to and to follow, with provision for adjusting individual rules as appropriate to future times. Jesus promulgated rules for Christians founded on love and kindness. He taught that through love and kindness alone, peace and happiness would come to all humanity.

It was found that the Buddha and Jesus both gave moral teachings of value to all social classes. The Buddha gave particular emphasis to the avoidance of carelessness. He taught that avoiding carelessness would bring fulfillment to humanity, from beginners to the advanced. Jesus gave particular emphasis to love. He taught two kinds of love : the love of God with all one's mind, all one's heart, and with all one's thoughts; and the love of one's neighbor as oneself. He taught that love would lead humanity to salvation and eternal life with God in heaven.

Finally, although the Buddha was a great teaching master like Jesus, the significance of his teaching was different. The Buddha was human. He discovered knowledge of truth by himself through full enlightenment. His fulfillment was achieved through human perseverance in mindfulness and wisdom. He taught the truth to humanity through investigative wisdom and his own practice. All who follow this path have the potentiality of achieving the same fulfillment of Buddhahood. The entire career of the Buddha was directed towards guiding all those who practice to full freedom by advancing fully beyond the cycle of rebirth.

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