
曉雲法師詩歌研究─以《清哦集》為研究重心=Study on Master Hiu-Wan’s Poetry─Focus on Collection of Singing Poems
作者 張明欽 (著)=Chang, Ming-chin (au.)
出版者網址 http://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞曉雲法師=Master Hiu-Wan; 釋曉雲=Ven. Hiu-Wan; 比丘尼教育家=nun educator; 僧侶詩人=monk poet

Master Hiu-Wan (1912-2004) was a contemporary nun educator. Moreover, she also had remarkable achievements in philosophy, painting and poetry, especially her contribution to painting and education is widely praised and recognized. She learned paining from Master Gao Jian-Fu of Lingnan School, and became successor of Lingnan School. Regarding education, when the Master converted to Buddhism, she made vows to never build temples in her lifetime but to contribute only to education. Besides Huafan Institute of Sino-Buddhist Studies and Lotus Buddhist Ashram, she also founded Huafan University on Ta-Lun Mountain and guarded it all lifelong. As for philosophy, the Master had been teaching Buddhist Studies in Chinese Culture University in 1967 and her philosophy was based on the thoughts of Tiantai Buddhism. Her contribution in promoting and developing Buddhist thoughts was truly noteworthy. About poetry, the Master expressed her daily thoughts and feelings in poetry, she always had her words at hand and had written numerous poems about her life and fun. However, people often know the Master as religionist, educator and artist, but neglect her fruitful accomplishments in Chinese traditional classical poetry. Therefore, this study focuses on her poems and expects to learn more about the Master’s feelings and esthetics from her poems, and also know more about her life and fun. What’s more, to recognize the Master’s achievement in literature, discover a new aspect of studies on the Master, and also provide a broader vision for academic studies on the Master, letting people who already knew the Master have chance to explorer her inner world from a different aspect by her perms.
The first chapter of this essay aims to explain motivation and purpose of study, results and introduction of academic study, study materials, as well as study methods and processes. The second chapter is to discuss the life experience and creation background of Master Hiu-Wan, narrative and study is conducted based on her family background, learning and traveling experience and situated space-time environment. The third chapter describes the meaning of Master Hiu-Wan’s poems. Firstly, to combine the Master’s life background with her poems and divide into different stages to discuss the poem style and conception in each stage. Then, categorize the poems into Scenery, Feeling and Buddhism and discuss the content and meaning. The fourth chapter focuses on the writing style and conception of Master Hiu-Wan’s poems. Heart of poetry, concept of Zen and The sense of emptiness-the use of concept of nature in poetry is depicted in this chapter to integrate the four elements of poem style-Poetry, Zen, Emptiness and Nature, expecting to present the original sense of poem with more complete discussion. The fifth chapter, as the conclusion, is to sum up the points in first four chapters and summarize the gained knowledge of this study, recognizing Master Hiu-Wan’s achievement in literature and highlighting the poet image of this outstanding contemporary educ
目次誌謝 I
摘要 Ⅱ
Abstract Ⅳ
目錄 Ⅵ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究動機與目的 1
第二節、目前研究成果與簡介 5
第三節、研究材料 12
第四節、研究方法與進程 13
第二章 曉雲法師之生命歷程與創作背景 17
第一節、好學不倦,詩畫為伴 17
第二節、精益求精,嶺南畫傑 19
第三節、皈依佛門,教育宏願 21
第四節、潛修東南,「教」體「畫」用 24
第五節、環宇周行,心發大願 26
第六節、三山行跡,緣定大崙 29
第三章 曉雲法師詩歌創作分期及意涵 34
第一節、曉雲法師詩歌創作之分期 35
一、西南行時期(一九四一~一九四五) 35
二、東南行時期(一九四六~一九五一) 37
三、環宇周行及前後時期(一九五二~一九六六) 39
四、三山行跡時期(一九六七~二○○四) 41
第二節、曉雲法師詩歌創作之意涵 47
一、即景 50
二、感懷 58
三、法味 74
第四章 曉雲法師詩歌之寫作風格與境界 91
第一節、詩心禪境 94
一、屏除他念,積極前行 97
二、實行大願,教育耕牛 107
第二節、空寂之感──園林思想於詩中之運用 117
第五章 結論 129
參考書目 135

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