
《藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經》之功德利益研究=A Study on the Merits and Benefits of the Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Vows of Medicine Buddha Vaidurya- Light Tathagata
作者 江桂英 (著)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞藥師如來=Medicine Master Tathagata; 藥師淨土=Medicine Buddha Pure Land; 藥師經=Sutra of Medicine Buddha; 藥師佛十二大願=Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Vows of Medicine Buddha Vaidurya Light Tathagata; Medicine Buddha Twelve Great Vows

This research mainly emphasizes on the benefits mentioned by the “Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Vows of Medicine Buddha Vaidurya Light Tathagata”. The oaths of Medicine Buddha are based on the twelve major vows taken from the causal place during his path of Bodhisattva. The effect of his oaths made him dignified solemnity; for the vows must be accomplished, converting them into reality,in order to achieve the stage of enlightenment. Moreover, due to the fulfillment of the vows at the place of causality,the enlightenment of the Medicine Buddha Vaidurya Light Tathagata is in accordance with hisdivine solemnness and fruitful virtues.
This study divides the merits’ benefits described by the Medicine Buddha Sutra into two major chapters, mundane benefits, and the ethereal benefits. According to the chapter of mundane benefits, it can be divided into the categories of present and forthcoming life. From the benefits of mundane, it is possible reach the karma of thoughts, be in a physical form, and the advantage attaining any external perspective. For instance, with these merits, on the forthcoming life can be elevated to the heavens, can be reborn as a human being, may be reborn in the gender of male, and will not fall into the three evil paths. Furthermore, it may also gain the discipline of pure calmness, extension of life and wisdom, reborn in the pure land, and other advantagessuch as achieving enlightenment. Now a day, people are more concern on the material reality, demanding a more idealistic life style and comforting happiness. Although Buddhism belongs to the transcendent ethereal wisdom, nevertheless moving from spiritual belief to the reality, the position of living in actuality is the major emphases of Medicine Buddha’s Dharma. The reason why Medicine Buddha Sutra is widely accepted is because of its capability to fulfill any benevolent petition. The petitions can be either in a spiritual or in a material way.
Based on the Medicine Buddha’s great vows of compassion, as expressed by Yin Shun Dharma Master: Medicine Buddha’s assistance to rescue and relief sufferings for sentient beings is a process from temporal state to permanent state. Most importantly, after receiving his assistance, we may practice the path of Bodhisattva and encourage others to practice the Medicine Buddha Sutrato attain its benefits. As long as we can get hold onto the vows of Medicine Buddha, sufferings and catastrophes will be vanished, achieving a world of purity.
目次博碩士論文電子檔案上網授權書 II
論文口試委員會審定書 IV
摘要 V
《藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經》之功德利益研究目錄 VII
表格目錄 IX
第一章緒論 1
第一節研究動機和目的 1
第二節研究方法與範圍 1
第三節詮釋架構 2
第四節前人研究成果回顧 3
第二章《藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經》概述 6
第一節譯本的考察 6
一、譯本的不同 6
(一)漢譯版本 6
(二)藏文譯本 7
(三)譯本不同的論點 8
二、漢譯各本內容之比較 10
第二節藥師經大要 14
一、佛說此經因緣 14
二、藥師經內文略述 16
三、藥師佛十二大願概說 18
第三節藥師佛的正、依報莊嚴 20
一、藥師佛的果德 21
二、日光遍照、月光遍照菩薩 28
三、十二藥叉大將 30
第三章《藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經》的入世功德利益 34
第一節《藥師經》的現世功德利益 34
一、意業利益 34
二、身形利益 43
三、外境利益 56
第二節《藥師經》的來世功德利益 69
一、得上生天界益 69
二、得還生人間益 72
三、得轉生丈夫益 74
四、不受三惡趣苦 76
第四章《藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經》的出世功德利益 79
第ㄧ節 得清淨戒 79
一、捨邪歸正 79
二、戒行清淨 82
三、安住菩提道上 84
第二節 慧命增長 86
一、得宿命念 86
二、信解稀有 87
三、行菩薩行 89
第三節 往生淨土 92
一、往生東方淨土 92
二、往生西方淨土 94
三、往生彌勒淨土 97
第四節 究竟成佛 102
一、得與明師世世相值遇 102
二、速證無上正等菩提 104
三、速得成佛 106
第五章結論 109
研究成果 109
後續研究展望 112
參考文獻 113
一、佛教經典 113
二、專書 115
三、期刊論文 116
四、學位論文 116
五、網路資料 117

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