
《寶王三昧念佛直指》有關淨土教義的研究=A study about the Pure Land teachings in "The Direct Guide on the Jewelled King Samadhi of the Mindfulness of the Buddha"
作者 釋仁益 (著)=Shi, Ren-yi (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.dila.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞妙?=MiaoXie; 《寶王三昧念佛直指》=“The Direct Guide on the Jewelled King Samā、dhi of the Mindfulness of the Buddha”; 念佛三昧=The Samadhi of the Mindfulness of the Buddha; 淨土十要=The Ten Essentials of Pure Land; 圓頓=Perfect Sudden

Miao Xie (presumably Hongwu Yihai 1395) was the great Chan (Jp. Zen) master of Yinjiang in the early Ming Dynasty. He realized the Chan Buddhism, has a deep thorough understanding of the teachings and principles, both in self-practice and transformation of others with a main focus on the Pure Land School. We can infer from these as sufficient evidence that he switched from Chan practice to Pure Land practice. During this period, most of the works related to the Pure Land Teachings was based on Tiantai Teaching Principles in expounding Pure Land thoughts merely from the mind perspective, and Amitabha from the innate nature. Though deeply influenced by Post-Yongming Yanshou (904-975), which advocated the dual cultivation of Chan and Pure Land, or sentimental poetry filled with the wish to willingly be reborn in Pure Land, however, they are mostly un-innovative. At that time, the burgeoning of integration thoughts from several parties, such as Zhu Hong (1535-1616) who advocated "Chan and Pure Land have the same destiny", Zhi Xu (1599-1655) who focused on "The Three Studies of Chan, Teaching, and Vinaya having the same origin" in an attempt to merge Chan and Pure Land, Tiantai and the mindfulness of the Buddha, syncretism is a major feature of Buddhism in the Ming Dynasty.
“The Direct Guide on the Jewelled King Samādhi of the Mindfulness of the Buddha”collated by Miao Xie is dedicated to breaking the shackles of the misunderstandings of "One does not seek the Pure Land of Extreme Bliss in the West, but seek in the mind of conditions reflections and delusions", and dispel delusions to manifest the Truth. The True Mind breeds all Lands of “contamination”, being originally endowed with the reliance for Extreme Bliss, and the proper wish will definitely lead to the birth The World of Extreme Bliss. The World of Extreme Bliss is not in the reflections of the six types of objects of the mind (dusts) and Amitabha Buddha is not in the body of the five skandhas of all beings; because the six types of objects of the mind (dusts), the four big elements are all provisionally combined together, and they are all illusory. They originally do not have a “self”, if there is no self, then the mind has no place to attach to, then how can one even have the other Land, the other Buddha within the mind? However, in terms of the phenomena, there is a world named Extreme Bliss. It is stated in “The Sutra of Amitabha”: “From the West, over ten trillion Buddha Lands, there is a world named Extreme Bliss”. Miao Xie esteemed the Samādhi of the Mindfulness of the Buddha as the king of all Samadhis, and classified the method of the Mindfulness of the Buddhas to be the same status as the Perfection Teaching of “Avatamsaka” (Huayan) and “Saddharma Pundarika” (Fahua). In the same manner, he equated it with the Chan School’s linage of Direct Pointing. He also adopted “The Three Contemplations in One Mind” to explain the Sixteen Contemplations. In the text, the elaboration of ‘Contemplation of the Sun’ and ‘Contemplation of an image of the Buddha Bodhisattvas’ as the main focus, in order to manifest the Perfect Cultivation of the Pure Land.
Miao Xie also proposed that the Samādhi of the Mindfulness of the Buddha is the same as the principle thesis of the Samād
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機、目的與方法 1
一、研究動機與目的 1
二、研究方法 1
第二節 《寶王三昧念佛直指》的內容及論文架構 2
一、《直指》的內容 2
二、論文架構 2
第三節 近人研究成果概述 3
一、專書 3
二、期刊、論文 5
第二章 妙?與《寶王三昧念佛直指》7
第一節 明代的佛教背景與妙?的生平 7
一、明代的佛教背景 7
二、妙?的生平 9
第二節 有關《寶王三昧念佛直指》11
(一) 妙?集《直指》的因緣 11
(二)《直指》的成書過程 11
(三)《直指》的價值 12
(四)論文使用的版本 12
(一)《淨土十要》成書的過程 12
(二)蕅益將《直指》選入《淨土十要》的原因 13
(三)蕅益選擇《淨土十要》的標準與《淨土十要》的重要性 13
第三章 《寶王三昧念佛直指》中的禪淨思想 15
第一節 念佛三昧 15
一、念佛三昧即一行三昧 15
二、念佛三昧為寶王三昧 16
三、念佛三昧的修持方法 17
(一)正行的四種修法 18
(二)客途所修三昧-非行非坐三昧 23
第二節 念佛三昧即禪宗單傳直指之道 25
一、念佛三昧是圓頓的修法 25
二、禪宗之南禪、北禪 27
(一)南宗禪-頓悟 27
(二)北宗禪-漸修 29
第三節 妙?的禪淨觀點 33
一、禪、佛不二 33
(一)發行雖異 33
(二)其理是同 35
(三)念佛即參 35
(四)參禪即念佛 36
二、唯心淨土與自性彌陀 37
(一)真、妄心之別 37
(二)以妄心求生極樂無土可生 38
(三)以真心求之必生 40
(四)訶謬解-淨土不必生 42
三、念佛三昧即一願四義 45
(一)戒 46
(二)解 47
(三)行 48
(四)向 48
第四節 小結 50
第四章 《寶王三昧念佛直指》中的判教思想與觀想念佛 53
第一節 念佛法門屬圓教味屬醍醐 53
一、天臺-八教 53
(一)化法四教 53
(二)化儀四教 55
二、天臺-五時 56
(一)通五時 57
(二)別五時 59
第二節 十六觀 60
一、極樂世界的依報觀 60
(一)日想觀 60
(二)水想觀 60
(三)地想觀 61
(四)樹想觀 61
(五)八功德水想觀 62
(六)總觀 63
二、極樂世界的正報觀 63
(一)華座觀 63
(二)佛菩薩像觀 64
(三)佛身觀 66
(四)觀音觀 66
(五) 勢至觀 67
(六) 普往生觀 68
(七) 雜想觀 68
(八) 上品生觀 69
(九) 中品生觀 71
(十) 下品生觀 72
第三節 以一心三觀釋十六觀妙旨 75
一、三觀法門 75
二、以一心三觀釋<日想觀> 76
(一) 總示 76
(二) 別論 77
三、以一心三觀釋<佛菩薩像觀> 77
(一) 入眾生心想之義 78
(二)入眾生心想中之義 79
(三) 是心作佛 79
(四) 是心是佛 80
(五) 論「作」、「是」之義 80
第四節 小結 81
第五章 結論 83
參考文獻 87
附錄一<極樂依正第一> 93
附錄二<示諸佛二土折攝法門第八> 101
附錄三<勉起精進力第十二> 103
附錄四<揚佛下化之力第十六> 107
附錄五<羅顯眾義第十八> 109
附錄六<示念佛滅罪義門第二十> 117
附錄七<略示列祖行門第二十一> 121

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